5 Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Outdoor Landscape Lighting

March 23, 2023

Outdoor lighting is ‘make or break’ of your outdoor space; great light allows you to enjoy your space long after the sun goes down. There’s a few common mistakes to avoid to make sure your lawn looks good at all times.

1. Not using a Lighting Plan

Most people think that landscape lighting is as simple as throwing down a few spotlights and lining your path with path lights. Without an outdoor lighting plan you can easily blow your budget—not to mention a fuse or two. Whether basic or detailed, a landscape outdoor offers a range of benefits. A lighting plan can serve as a sketch including wiring and specs for lighting fixtures. If your budget is tight create a plan that can be completed in stages and allows for change and expansion. Take a walk around your property and make note of specific areas you wish to illuminate.

2. Forgetting Variety

After finding one fixture that they love, some people make the mistake of using only one type of lighting throughout their landscape design. This error can make outdoor lighting appear monotonous and one-dimensional and can be avoided by using a variety of light fixtures placed at multiple levels.

3. Not Enough Landscape Lighting Fixtures

It’s fair to say that most homeowners tend to overdo lighting rather than under-do it, but it’s certainly possible to skimp on lighting and fail to get the desired effect. This is a classic mistake; though it’s a fixable as going outside to look around! If you’ve installed some landscape lighting and still have a lot of dark areas, you probably need to add more lights or perhaps re-think the placement of the lights you have. There is a lot more design involved in lighting than people tend to realize

4. Not Using LED Bulbs

Failing to use LED bulbs, which is the latest in lighting technology, is a mistake you don’t want to make. Though LED bulbs costs slighty bit more upfront, the benefits far outweigh this added cost. And because LED outperforms old landscape lighting, in the long-run, you'll actually be saving money in your electricity bills and maintenance expenses.To get the inviting look that you want for your outdoor areas, be sure to choose LED lighting in tones that are warm, not cool.

5. Using an Inexperienced Landscaper

While it’s true that a landscaper is going to be more accustomed to outdoor projects, not all landscapers are well-versed in doing landscape lighting. It’s critical to work with a company with the experience and knowledge to create a look you love. Luckily, we’re here to help!
Looking to light up your yard? We offer great Low Voltage Lighting for your space. This includes a system of small lights, transformers and timers that perfectly highlight the parts of your yard you love most. Using an outdoor lighting system such as this enhances the look, safety, and usability of your outdoor space.

lighting for trees

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