The Benefits of Proper Landscaping

March 30, 2023

Landscaping does more than just make your yard look great. Did you know there are several benefits to properly caring for your lawn?  


Businesses with Landscapes that have efficient water drainage systems can also help reduce your overall water usage and cost. Apartment complexes with high quality landscapes report higher rental rates. Some customers even claim to spend more money on goods and services if the commercial building has a high-quality tree canopy!


Well done landscaping is good for the environment too! Bushes and trees help combat erosion while also acting as water buffers when storms cause runoff. When you landscape with native plants, you’re providing a comfortable habitat that encourages animals, birds, and insects to thrive. Even in urban environments, the benefits are clear. Plants help to reduce noise pollution while also cooling your space naturally. Trees are also great at reducing glare through windows.


Who doesn’t like to relax in a clean, lush space? Research has shown that just looking at plants can reduce blood pressure. Walking through a natural environment, even in the middle of a city, improves attention and memory. One recent study by the U.S. Forest Service even found that neighborhoods with tree-lined streets and larger yard trees have reduced crime rates.

Feeling inspired? We offer quality landscaping services from start to finish such as:

Installation: adding new landscape plantings around the the foundation of the home or other areas of the landscape. This may include bed preparation and ornamental plantings such as annuals, perennials, shrubs, and trees.  

Transplanting: moving plants, typically trees, to new locations. Please note there are some tree size and seasonal limitations.

Grading and Drainage Correction: ensures water is sufficiently drained away from the base of your home or isn’t pooling in your yard. This can be accomplish by installing underground piping or grading, which is sculpting the land for an intended purpose.

Request a quote or schedule an on-site consult!

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